Erschen's Expressions

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Intent to Re-enroll Form

The Delaware Charter Law (Del.C, Title 14, Chapter 5, 506, subsection c) was amended in July, 2005. As a result of this amendment to the law, each charter school is required to obtain a written confirmation sign by a parent or guardian of each student that in that student’s initial year of attendance at the charter school, that the student will remain in the charter school for at least one school year. That confirmation shall include a statement reading: “I understand that my child is required to remain in this charter school, in the absence of any condition constituting good cause, for at least one school year” and shall be kept on file at the school and made available for inspection to Department of Education official or representatives from the public school district in which the student resides. After a student’s initial year of enrollment, it shall be presumed for school district planning only that the student will continue to attend the charter school until completion of that school’s highest grade level and no further written confirmation need be obtained by the charter school.


I, Parents/ Guardian of ____________________________________ intend to enroll my child at Providence Creek Academy Charter School for the 2010-2011 school year and acknowledge that I intend for my child to attend this school for the complete school year. I understand that my child is required to remain in this charter school, in the absence of any condition constituting good cause, for at least one year.

STUDENT NAME:_________________________________________________Current Grade______

(Print name)

PARENTS/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE_______________________­­­­____ DATE _____


PARENTS/GUARDIAN NAME: ___________________________________________

(Print Name)

Letter for Intent to Re-enroll

The Letter for Intent to Re-enroll will be sent home on Monday, February 22. Please return it by the end of the week, February 26, 2010. In the event your child does not bring one home, I will post the form in a separate blog. If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact the main office.