Erschen's Expressions

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Today is Friday, April 16, 2010 it is a B3 day for specials.

Café Feature:
Chicken Enchilada, Spanish Rice, Peas w/Mushrooms and Bananas- $2.25
Grab and Go Sandwich: Italian Hoagie- $1.50
Grab and Go Lunch able: Chicken Caesar - $2.25
Faculty Feature: Spinach w/Breaded Shrimp Tossed in Buttermilk Ranch- $2.75

Band Schedule:
(Beg.) Alto will meet in the band room at 8:10
(Int.) Alto will meet in the band room at 8:40
(Beg.) Percussion 1 and 2 will meet in the band room at 1:00
(Concert) Alto will meet in the band room at 1:30
(Select) Alto will meet in the band room at 2:00

Jazz Workshop: Students interested in participating in the Jazz Workshop on Mondays after school…please get your permission forms into Mr. Howell by Today, April 16, 2010.

Spring Dance: Spring Dance is Today, April 16, 2010 from 6:00 to 9:00pm sharp in the Café… cost $4.00 for admission and $3.00 if you bring a chaperone. Pizza and snacks will be for sale.

Jeans Day: Jeans Day is Today, April 16, 2010… cost is $3.00 to participate. Students may wear school spirit/purple shirt with jeans.

Baseball and Softball Practice: Attention Baseball and Softball Players… Practice is Today, April 16, 2010 from 3:30 to 5:30.

Competition Cheerleaders: Attention all Competition Cheerleaders… practice is Today, April, 16th from 3:30 to 5:00 in the Gym.